3 weeks post breakup

Hi and I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I know everyone says this but it really does get better. My nex and I were together for 4 years and the fact that he could discard me like garbage and never look back almost broke me. Eventually you don’t feel like you want to die and can face your daily routine. I will tell you, the 3 week mark was THE WORST for me and I see it a lot on Reddit at week 3 for some reason. I started to turn a corner around the 2 month mark and as I come up on 3 months, I’ve started to really feel okay and have started doing well at work and continue working on my physical and mental health. You have to put the work in and you may not be ready yet. It took me until about 1.5 months to become so desperate to escape my pain, I knew I had to take action. I make sure to spend time outside everyday, exercise, try and redirect my thoughts when I find myself spiraling (podcasts can help a lot), sometimes I will allot myself specific amounts of time to think about him and grieve so that he doesn’t constantly occupy my mind, I’m realistic with myself now about who we both were in the relationship and I spend a lot of time self reflecting so I can properly grieve the relationship and move on to self improvement. I’m doing both simultaneously as grief is not a linear process. Many find journaling very helpful but I haven’t gotten serious about that yet but am looking forward to it. Most importantly - STAY NO CONTACT! I made every justification in the world to contact him and I did so twice and guess what I got? No response and the loss of my dignity. I know it all sounds like bullshit. I thought the same thing but when you’re ready you will decide to take the next steps in your healing process. Unfortunately they do everything they can to break us and like everything else, we’re solely responsible for cleaning up their mess. I wish you peace during this awful time.

/r/BreakUps Thread