30 March, 2020.

You're in a hole with a bunch of other people. You all have shovels but none know how to use them. Someone who was formerly in the hole comes along and tells you how to shovel. You decide their opinion is only worthwhile if they're currently in the hole with you, even though those people have no clue how to shovel.

Makes sense.

Take my advice or don't, I don't care. I don't know you and never will. Your life has no bearing on mine. Complain or don't, I don't care. Self pity or don't, I don't care. Blame others or don't, I don't care.

Oh no, if I don't answer your misguided questions you won't accept my advice! Too jaded to see the poor logic. Oh well, can't help those who don't want to be helped. Maybe another day of self pity and complaining will help your situation. Maybe not. You decide.

/r/Braincels Thread Parent