30+ redditors, what is something that you have stopped caring about?

Sports. I used to keep up with baseball, football, hockey, etc. Now, eh. My office has ESPN on and I just keep thinking to myself how much brain power and talent is wasted on sports analysis. There are some very smart people in what's ultimately a very pointless job.

Movie news. I just want to see the end product and be entertained. Movie coverage ruins the movie these days - entertainment journalism has always been a thing but now the speed and delivery of the gossip and news is just always on.

Being fashionable. My clothing is clean and they fit. I don't need fancy on expensive shoes. (except for work where I care a lot about appearance. I love cufflinks.)

Collecting geeky shit. I recently sent everything that was suitable to a children's hospital. It was taking up space. I sent my Legos to a friend with kids because once I put them together, I didn't touch them again.

Television. I might read about a show years after it's been off air but I simply don't keep up with any television show. I have Netflix but even then I might watch one show at a time every few months.

The latest technology. Most of my electronics are two years or older. My desktop is four or five years old. My laptop is a a year old which I probably won't replace for a few years. My camera is the only thing I replace every three years or so.

The only things I collect now are art books from around the world from my travels and of artists I take an interest in. One day they will be passed on to family.

I don't care what others think about my art. I don't have a thick skin per se but I've had a couple of decades of practice to know that I'm damn good at those hobby.

/r/AskReddit Thread