I [32M] live a "perfect" life and am married with a [39F] wife and two small kids (a third on the way). I often feel like quitting my job and running for the hills.

I just want to echo what this op said as my dad did the exact same thing. Was always restless, got fired over and over, divorced my mom and barely saw us and ran around living his dreams while my mom struggled to support us and in the end blew all his money on coke and god knows what, lost his house, car, furniture (and his daughters -_-) and was homeless for much of his middle age life until my mom paid for his apartment. He now works at home depot for minimum wage and complains that he will never be able to retire and I have zero sympathy.

So yeah, all I read in your post was that you're selfish. The adult way to act is 'hey, I' m not happy where I'm at but I have responsibilities. I should make sure my responsibilities are taken care of (ie save money) and then work to figure out what WILL make me happy and communicate with my wife to make that a reality' instead of 'i live a privileged life, but its too much. Let me dump everything irrespective of my responsibilities and fuck off to some place that I THINK will make me happy (but eventually wont because things and places wi never make you happy)'.

I would love to have a travelling 400k/year job. In fact my goal at the moment is to pay off my student loans and travel for a few years and I work very hard to make sure that my goal will happen. That's what responsible people do. I could fuck off and leave my 40k in the dust and just never come back to Canada until the loan defaults and the gov pays for it, but I won't because I'm not a selfish person.

Maybe a 1 year sabbatical would help you. Go and life a worry free year wherever you want to be? The problem with living with excess is that you try and buy more and more shit to make you happy and you become disillusioned in life, taking it for granted. I also have a friend like you. His parents are both doctors and now he is 27 and he did a bf/ma and couldn't stand sitting at a desk all day when his parents were just funding his life anyways. So he quits his job after 2 months and pays 15k to go to vancouver island for 6 months and do backcountry training thinking being a ranger or guide would occupy him. Decides its 'too boring' and goes to india for 3 months before he gets sick of that and comes back to vancouver where he applies for another bachelors at ubc. This is only what he has been up to since the end of 2015. Before that he smoked a ton of pot and annoyed anyone who would listen about how bored he was... Meanwhile he has the money to do anything he wants and NOTHING IS GOOD ENOUGH.

So ya. Talk to your wife, talk to your therapist. Get it together man!

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