I [40sF] am having trouble getting past something my husband [40sM] said during a fight months ago

He likes his laundry done a particular way, which is why I don't do all the laundry. I do mine 75% of the time (sometimes he throws a few things of mine in with his) and 100% of the kids' laundry. I help fold all the laundry regardless of whose it is, unless he asks me not to mess with his because he doesn't like how I deal with it.

But yes, the daily cooking is probably the hardest thing. We all put away our dishes in the dishwasher after meals, and if I get time during the workday, I'll empty the dishwasher. But if I don't load it the way he likes (he's very particular about that) or if I forget where something goes, he gets mad at me and says I'm making more work for him, so I try not to make it harder for him by jacking up his system.

I'll try to think what else I can do that is extra but won't cramp his style.

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