47% of Jobs Will Disappear in the next 25 Years, According to Oxford University

I do. I work at a company applying machine learning research to robotics (humans operate the machine to perform tasks and the machine learns from it). Right now, those robots you see in car factories and the like are strictly "dumb" automation. Everything has to be lined up perfectly and they swing into a pre-set position and do a pre-set thing. With machine learning (aka AI) you can handle "messier" situations where things won't line up perfectly. Right now, we need humans for these "messier" situations; driving a car, filling a grocery bag or washing dishes for example. The research indicates we can train machines to handle these sorts of "messy" situations. It will take time, but there are plenty of other companies than ours trying to solve this. It really is only a matter of time until many, many physical labor jobs become obsolete. I don't know much about AI for intellectual labor jobs, but it does seem that there has been some success with using machine learning to diagnose diseases and natural language processing is already basically solved so it does seem likely that some "white color" jobs are at risk as well.

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