500 Days of Fuck This

But the US does have a problem. People were openly counting down to Emma Watson's eighteenth birthday. Pick-up artists run rampant. Problematic media does have an influence on the people who consume it, and a lot of animé is problematic.

I say this as someone who generally enjoys animé - you have to wade through ten or more series of squealing high-school harem bullshit to get to one Ghost in the Shell or Haibane Renmei. The fact is that young awkward men gobble up tons of trash animé where the women are young, submissive, and exist as manic pixie dream girls to exceedingly generic misanthrope protagonists. Just like they view a lot of teen porn and fetishize baby-faced celebrities like Ariana Grande and Selena Gomez.

Like I said, I enjoy animé, but can admit that a lot of it is harmful, sexist, unmitigated garbage.

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