The 8th Fire & The Start of the Physical Manifestation

What is it you think is 2025?

This is why we must share with one another, no more hiding, we are here to help push the evolution of consciousness forward - we are on the ground as servants to higher purpose.

Each of us receiving intuitive messages from spirit to help us along our paths, we must share so that as a collective we understand what we are to do together to get us to safety.

Part of my path is to bring collective awareness to our spiritual nature. To scream to everyone we are divine beings that can communicate with the animals, that are able to receive downloads from the trees, that as empaths emotional blockages in others so that we can help each other transcend. That we literally receive messages from source on how to solve all issues related to sustainable development. Imagine how fast we can solve the issues in the world if we were listening to our ‘instincts.’

The collective is less aware of this, they lack the understanding of who they are as beings.

With this understanding comes the connection to earth and the connection to survival.

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