9/11: Ten Years Later (2011) - This documentary contains the only footage from inside Ground Zero during the attacks.

I think I was in 1st grade (maybe a little later) when we got vaguely told. My life has had its share of abuse and extreme experiences. I've got the PTSD and brain damage to show for it. I've tried to kill a man to protect my sister. I'm not sheltered from life's downs, nor am I emotionally weak. I don't laugh or smile much, I get sad but only cry extremely rarely because I did a lot of re-shuffling upstairs to cope.

I've been so fucking arrogant towards this day because of that. And it took this video to remind me of what people normally go through. My heart dropped. I was expecting it, yet I was stunned. I haven't felt this way since my dog died. Before that, not since I jumped out of a third story window.

I've hurt people because of this, and I thought I wasn't in the wrong. I didn't comprehend. I know things most others can't really understand, but I've done the same to them as they do to me.

What makes me sad is that this feeling isn't going to be internalized. I have to start over tomorrow. I have severe memory impairment. I'm only saying this so I can read this and try to change later.

You changed my entire prospective. This is why I treasure information.

/r/Documentaries Thread Parent Link - youtu.be