$914k whole life insurance policy missold to 18 yr old

He didn't sell you a whole life policy, he sold you a 10 year fixed annuity with a max funded Universal Life policy.

Before making any decisions, and before trusting this new financial advisor, you need to see a few things first to properly evaluate this:

1.) In Force Illustration that accounts for guaranteed, assumed, and mid-point values based on the 10 pay (10 years) at $16,000 a year.
2.) In Force Illustration that accounts for the guaranteed, assumed, and mid-point values based on if you ceased funding today.
3.) Review the current surrender value (if any)
4.) Determine if this is a death benefit Option A or Option B Universal life policy
5.) Determine what type of Universal Life policy this is (fixed, indexed or variable)

Once you'very evaluated ALL of these, feel free to post again and tag me and I can provide additional insight if desired. A max funded Option B in this scenario, in an indexed for fixed UL, could perform slightly below market value, but with the tax benefits in the future, if these funds are truly not needed, could benefit you in the long run. I'm not saying smarter things can't or shouldn't have been in the past, but simply advising that you evaluate the possibilities of what this will look like in the future.

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