Accused of being the abuser?

Is this a normal response among BPD?

I was constantly accused of doing this for our 15 year marriage. Along with everything else. She projected all her unhappiness and insecurities onto me.

Did you believe them?

Yep. It eats away at your soul. You start to question everything about yourself.

I'm doing a lot better now, and have come to realise I'm a stronger person than I ever gave myself credit for, but you lose yourself.

My wife finally permanently split on me last year. She ran off with the kids, saying I was beating her and the children, I was financially controlling her, I was stalking her and that she was in fear for her life. The irony is, apart from beating the kids, this describes her to a tee. She even put me in hospital on life support as a result of one of her attacks about a month before she ran off.

/r/BPDlovedones Thread