Accusing someone of being "fatphobic" is ridiculous.

I agree, calling someone "fatphobic" is such a stupid thing,but, idk.. I'm fat. I mean , not the american kind of fat. I wouldn't even be considered fat in America. I have a little bit of fat on my stomach and thighs. The reason for that is not because I'm lazy, it's because my metabolism is EXTREMELY slow. I'm vegetarian, I eat super healthy and only 1500 calories a day. I also exercise regularly. Still, all I hear from people is "HaVE yOu TriEd eAtiNg leSs aNd ExeRciSiNg mOrE????" No shit, I haven't. I just sit on my ass all day. Thanks for the advice that I totally couldn't have figured out on my own. But when a skinny person with a fast metabolism eats fast food and rarely exercises they say nothing??That's the only thing that bothers me. I know being fat is not healthy, I am not promoting it. I just wish people would be more understanding...

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