ADHD specialist in diagnosing adult women?!

go to doctor, take notes about your symptoms, request referral to dr guha at cleveland, provide the doctor with his details. GP is not qualified to give any professional input, they have to refer you, it's the specialists job to do an assessment, the GP doesn't get a say.

Call psych, book appointment, beforehand get an ECG, full bloods, Urine drug test and any school reports or any documented evidence including potential written statements from family.

Dr Guha should have free'd up some clients by moving further out, give them a call beforehand and check the lead times.

It's not a complicated process just takes some time and money, shouldn't be anywhere near a grand though. Your lack of diagnosis also has literally zero to do with some imaginary sex based predjudiced system, there are 100 other factors as to why you haven't been diagnosed, it's nobody's fault including yours so don't make yourself a victim unless you're happy with going nowhere.

You mentioned having OCD but be mindful that you're very unlikely to have both, as they're inverted opposites of the same thing; severe left vs right hemispherical asymmetry.

There's also a very high probability you have autism, which is a genetic rather than a neurological disorder, fyi.

You'll probably also want to get off any pharma meds as safe and quickly as possible as they'll only cause more problems in the end.

Educate and enable yourself, meds can help but they also cause impart stress on the body and mind, think of them more of a crutch to heal a broken ankle. You want to build momentum up until you can sustain it on your own. You'll still want and need to build structures and frameworks for yourself, implementing habits, using things like timers, whiteboards, planning tools, being accountable etc.

Meaningful social interactions will also help treat your symptoms, practice speaking and writing and formulating ideas in order to nourish your social engagement and success which will produce more serotonin which is like self-control fuel.

Diet and health is also extremely relevant, cut your carbs/sugars out and anything that gives you inflammation. Vitamins/meat/fish/vegetables. Lions mane helps regrow your brain and makes a great supplement. Fish oil. Magnesium. D3. Zinc.

Meditating and/or doing breathwork would also be an extremely good idea.

The extent of your success in treating yourself will depend on your desire to do so, you first need to learn so you can be aware so you can act on that awareness, if you expect to pop a pill and have your problems solved it will be sorely disappointing.

/r/brisbane Thread