Adult children of helicopter parents, how do you deal with them now?

I limit contact and severely limit what personal information I tell them. I have already talked it over with my boyfriend that if we ever have children, they will have close to zero contact with their grandparents. I will NOT have my children go through the same abuse I did. My parents' bullshit stops with me. Conversations are are kept dry and neutral. Both my parents have narcissistic personality disorder on top of being helicopter parents, so needless to say, they aren't all that sane. I remember one time I told them I was going to drive to the library to do job apps and overheard them talking about how they wanted to park their truck in front of the garage, so I couldn't leave. Another time when I was 21, my then-boyfriend walked me home from 3 streets away at 9 at night and my dad flipped his lid and tried to tell me I had a 7 PM curfew from then on. I pretty much told him to eat shit and I'd call the police for false imprisonment of he tried to enforce that. He's a claustrophobic and afraid of jail, so it actually worked. The only way I successfully moved out was to keep my plans secret. I packed my shit and slipped out the door when dad was at work. They still have 2 adult children living with them. It will never be 3 again.

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