[Advice Request] Dear dadditors, not really close to being one of you, but I have some questions about parenthood and general feelings.

General Dad Questions 1. I didn't want children when I was in my teens and early 20s. It just seemed like a big hassle. In my mid twenties I hit a period of strongly wanting children. It started to taper in my mid thirties. Wife had a baby girl about 15 months ago and I'm over the moon. I turn 40 next month.

  1. I eventually wanted children because, I guess primal instincts? I just started envisioning babies. I eventually got baby crazy. I have friends who don't have kids and they seem perfectly suited to it. It isn't for everybody but I sometimes feel sorry for them that they don't have this kind of love in their lives.

  2. I worried all the time. As an older father I was concerned that giving up travel (big, crazy trips) for a while, losing the freedom of just being a couple, the financial strain, how to raise a good citizen, etc. But all that worry eventually gets channeled into trying to do the best you can. The only thing I miss about my life before the baby is sleep. Everything else I thought I'd miss pales in comparison to her smile.

  3. I was reasonably organized but adding a third human into the household pushed me over the edge. I started a bullet journal a few months before she was born. I just started forgetting appointments, plans, etc. The bullet journal is a pretty handy device for tracking everything with a baby plus your everyday life.

  4. My father is my hero. Best Dad in the world. I can only hope to approach his awesomeness. His influence eventually led, in part, to my desire to become a father.

  5. We planned as much as we could. But parenthood is a vast void you stare into before the birth. You can't really conceptualize it until you become a parent. Oh our child will be a good student, we will read to him/her, etc. but you can't really map that sort of thing out in advance. Right now she's developing according to the established guidelines. We feel successful so far.

  6. I'm with /u/Toxic724 I will take all advice that is offered from those who have already done this. However, just because I listen doesn't mean I'll do it. Most of the advice we've gotten so far has been very helpful.

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