Afraid to break up

Hi Shadsx,

I posted something similar a month ago or so. I was also in an LDR for three years that recently ended. Like you, I had no friends and thought I could never leave him. My SO had recently agreed to move to me although I still would have had to move house and pay for him indefinitely. In that respect, I can empathise with your boyfriend to some extent: there's a lot of guilt that goes with asking someone to move and you do feel responsible for them and I won't lie, I occasionally had second thoughts that became stronger the more I saw of him in recent months.

I also recognise your boyfriend's attitude because it's exactly how my SO started behaving too. Like you, I didn't recognise this stranger. I would try to talk about practical matters (like 'were gonna have neighbours, we can't have shouting arguments like we did when we were younger! or 'I can't afford a lot of stuff- were both going to have to cut down on hobbies/purchases (he'd judt gone and bought a camera and phone- both 'necessities'') and he'd just blame and call me names and make me feel even crapper than I already did. And then blame me because he lost his temper. It took an evening of crying, curled in bed with my hands over my ears whilst he intermittently spat out bile and hate at me and called me crazy before I wised up to the fact that he wasn't the person I used to know. And even when I left my flat (he wouldn't leave initially), his response was to call me a drama queen. In a way, I'm thankful it did end that way because I am now in no two minds about calling it off and it has a prevented me from weakening (he called once, claimed he couldn't remember anything and anyway it was my fault he got mad...)

I spent the first couple of days after the break up numb, but then I realised that by not having him move in with me, I didn't have to move either (at a time when I was also changing jobs). I didn't have to pay for another grown adult (I notice your guy is a student: how were you guys going to manage finances?) I could potentially date other people and spend my money on hobbies that I wanted to do instead.

I joined (it's a site where you meet up with groups of people to do cool stuff: you just pick what interests you) and I've made an effort to talk to know people around me: not in order to be best buddies, but just to practice talking and feeling a connection to another person. I'm not as much of a freak as I thought I was, or at least, people still chat to me. I found I had so much more time to study now that I wasn't on Skype every evening.

To be honest, it doesn't feel that much different to being in a long distance relationship except that I am free.

I'm gonna link you to my original post. Not because It makes me sound like a particularly nice person (I fucked up by asking him to move, but at least it showed me where we stood), but so you can read some of the advice people gave me: particularly about people changing in their twenties. You don't need to be in a relationship right now and you don't need this one guy as your only friend: there are other oddballs out there and in the meantime, get your social fix from hanging out/chatting with as many people as you can :)

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