Afraid I may soon be a single mom. Will the arguing ever stop...?

No but are you seriously comparing a child to an adult? My point was that ops so isn't trying to help her in any way and instead is making it worse, I didn't say she got a free pass but she gets more leeway then he does. You don't stress a pregnant woman out period. Adults no better, children don't. I'm just tired of men acting like having kids is more taxing on them then women and frankly if you've never had kids and never through the factors associated with pregnancy then you can't just say she needs to handle her shit you need to be encouraging her to seek help like op is doing, but the same one, be the one to calm her through the troubles. But he's not doing any of that. And that is what is pissing me off. Jealousy and freak outs come with the territory of pregnancy, get over it. It happens. Op says she isn't normally like that, and in her state of mind she has the right to freak out, and he neefs to be reassuring her so that her freak outs get less and less because that's the only way to ease a jealous mind. Acting like ops so is and just threatening to just leave his knowing she's pregnant, he's just looking for excuses and putting it all on her. He doesn't care and that's the problem.

/r/pregnant Thread Parent