After fight Bf stopped saying I love you (23m) (21f)

And he saw it because sometimes he likes to go on my phone and look around.

Are you okay with him snooping? Do you do the same with his phone?

Do you think it’s better if I was to just say I love you a lot until he says it? Lol.

If you don't have any expectations of him saying it back, sure.

And personally in my knowledge he doesn’t like bringing negative stuff back up after ts been dropped

If it wasn't resolved completely, this isn't a healthy attitude to have. You're only one year in and haven't even made it out of the honeymoon period. Open communication is the most important thing in a relationship. If he can't openly discuss this issue with you, tell you how he feels and come up with things that need to change, I don't know how long your relationship will last.

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