Ahmed Mohamed's High School Says He's Welcomed Back, But Supports Teacher Who Reported Clock

I actually sent an email to 20 something administrators and board members of the school district yesterday. This includes all board members, security professionals, and superintendent.

Mr. Superintendent, Board Members, and Staff,

I am sure you have gotten thousands of emails today and that you aren't likely to actually read any of them, but I wanted to throw my thoughts to you and hope that you can take something valuable from them. I am aware many of you were not directly involved; I still want you to see what this ridiculousness has wraught.

I joined the military as a direct result of 9/11 to fight the people that attacked our country. Your actions in regards to Ahmed have shown me that I failed and that the terrorists have won.

Your school administration and staff had a child arrested for being smarter than them. This child, CHILD, built a clock in a lunchbox. It was quite clear there was nothing but wires and a circuit board. I want to tell you, as someone who has dealt with explosive materials; a circuit board cannot explode. Even the police have said that Ahmed "never said it was anything but a clock".

I am aware that the charge against the student was a "hoax bomb". This was asinine at best and a thin veil for the blatant racism your actions exhibited. I am ashamed of you. I did not choose to fight the enemies of my country so that the every day man and woman of middle America can brand everyone that looks like those enemies a terrorist.

There was no hoax and you knew it. If there was ever a real concern, even a hoax concern, the school would have been evacuated and the bomb squad called.

All of that aside, I wanted to warn you that the boy's father was/is a Presidential Candidate in Sudan. Of course, Sudan is a dictatorship and that point is irrelevant but it does mean something. You persecuted a minority child who has a family that knows their rights and has resources.

You have not only failed me and everyone else that has fought our enemies, but you have failed your students. Your mission statement says that diversity and education are your primary goals. You failed both of those. You persecuted a brown skinned student and now, because of the inevitable lawsuit, you have failed all other students as well. Your school's budget is going to take a large hit from this. But, instead of firing everyone involved your school district will foot the expenses to school supplies and curriculum. Your incredible stupidity has cost your students more than yourself.

The President of These United States has invited Ahmed to the White House with his "hoax bomb". Do you understand the gravity of your mistake at this point? The entire nation is as united as 330,000,000 people can be (which is usually only about 60%) in their disappointment in you.

The only consolation for you in this situation is that the police department will probably face a similar lawsuit.

If your school district cares at all for these students it will fire the teacher involved, the Principals involved will resign, and a never ending apology will be issued.

P.S. Bomb timers don't count up. They count down.


~Velostodon~, C.E.H.

/r/news Thread Link - abcnews.go.com