AITA - for telling my pregnant daughter that she needs to get a job to support her baby?

I understand the whole aspect of not having a job while still in high school, a lot of people, including myself, had that luxury. I’m the same age as your daughter. However, she graduated last year and is she going to college or is she just hanging out with her boyfriend,and doing whatever she wants?

If she’s not going to college, then she needs to work, esp with a baby on the way. I am taking college classes online and have a part time job. My parents didn’t make me get a job, but I wanted to because I didn’t want to be stuck in the house all the time and I want to have my own money to do things with. She’s right a lot of people don’t have jobs while in school, but not everybody comes from a wealthy family and some are forced to get jobs as young as 15 to help contribute. So she should be grateful in that aspect that she was allowed to focus on school and not worry about a job but she just sounds really ungrateful.

I think My mom would kick me out if I acted like her. Or just become really really strict. So I don’t think OP is the AH if she wants to kick her daughter out and make her work but the daughter is an AH for acting the way she does

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent