AITA for always getting irritated with my mom for not using common sense?

Thank you, sometimes I think I'm crazy for getting so annoyed all the time. A lack of boundaries has been a huge issue and the primary reason why we haven't had a relationship in so long. I agree that mental health has also played a big role, on both of our parts (I have a disorder that I likely inherited from her), although I don't think she is self-aware enough to really see her own behaviour as abnormal.

I've tried talking to her about the idea of healthy boundaries so many times, but she just doesn't seem to understand the concept. Her and her own mother were two peas in a pod, so she doesn't understand how it's possible for her to be invasive in my life. I'm really not proud of it, but the only thing that has worked in the past when she got really pushy was threatening to call the cops if she showed up at my home or work without an invitation. She is, unfortunately, not above making a scene in public.

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