AITA for asking my husband if he resents our daughter?

Put this on in the car for your husband the next time you two are driving alone or just have it blaring on while your daughter's not home. Until it sinks in.

That HE IS the dad in that damn song. I hate this song, because it encapsulates EVERYTHING about what a terrible parent is and your husband is a bad dad. He hates his daughter over being female.

That will damage her for life. I remember when I was 9, I got a makeup kit, my very first one and I was SO ecstatic and happy and was doing and redoing my makeup all day.

And damn, I don't wanna brag but I think I did great for a kid. I looked adorable and I felt confident which was something I was struggling with.

The next day, my makeup kit was missing and I looked everywhere for it.

I asked my dad where it was and he glared at me and said "The dump."

He threw it out and I never forgot that.

My dad was good in other aspects, like he let me paint his nails, but putting makeup on my own face... That was apparently a line. And no, I don't care if anyone says "Well 9's a little young" I was already starting to go through puberty that young and I FELT hideous. A little makeup made me feel better mentally.

I got another makeup kit from my mom and she warned him if he even looked at it again, he'd also be looking at a divorce... but by then, the desire to wear makeup was ruined and I was always anxious wearing it, because I was waiting for my dad to get angry about it.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread