AITA for asking my roommate to leave the room while crying over her breakup with her boyfriend so I could sleep?

Might be unpopular but NAH.

I remember being entirely inconsolable for days after my first breakup (lived together seven years) and I was already well into my 20’s by then. I couldn’t give less of a shit if it disturbed neighbors or the people around me at the time, it very much felt like I had learned someone special died. The version of him I knew died, the version of me I wanted to be died, the life we were supposed to build together, aborted. It’s still the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.

Pair that with teenage hormones and an unfamiliar environment far away from the people you love? Guaranteed meltdown.

Seems like this definitely came out of nowhere and caught her off guard but you didn’t get any details about it so he might have also cheated or done something to make the experience more traumatizing. One of the worst feelings in the world is not being able to turn to your person that usually makes you feel better and safe because they’re the ones hurting you. Those people are capable of delivering the most painful heartache.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread