AITA for asking someone if they where maori.

I refer to the Americans as

"People living in a dumbass country with protectionist practices so most of our shit has tariffs so we can't crush their shit farmers, drive them out of business and buy their land and farm it efficiently. Because they're a bunch of USSR copy cats pissing away tax payer dollars on unviable industries and pissing away tax payer funds on a boarder wall they wont even force properly because you have to shot people for a wall to matter"

It's like the half assed USSR, bunch of countries who don't want the same thing, being pumped into complacency by pissing away the average citizens money on industries that should've gone belly up decades ago when dealing with the free market.

You fuckers need an open market. Let the fat bloated 'industrialists' and 'capitalists' lose their business and industries so the hard working and diligent can better use the land. Instead of putting up so many nanny state protectionist bull shit because your 'capitalists' don't want real competition.

You pay farmers to NOT GROW STUFF ON LAND, that's the most ass backwards thing I've heard that doesn't involve violating human rights from any country ever.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent