AITA for banning my brother from my house after he essentially poisoned me?

I'm a clinical psychologist. I don't use the term "Antisocial Personality Disorder" on this sub because the average user doesn't know what that means.

I've been in private practice for 26 years. I have taught and supervised psychology graduate students, psychiatry and cardiothoracic surgery residents for about 15 years.

I spent two years working with violent adult offenders and three with adolescent offenders incarcerated on charges ranging from homicide to drug related offenses.

I specialize in working with CPTSD, Eating Disorders, Mood Disorders and problems impacting Gay/Bisexual/Lesbian Adolescents. A significant number of my patients over the years have suffered from schizophrenia as well as schizoaffective disorder.

A small portion of my practice is devoted to providing expert testimony on child abuse cases involving PTSD.

Did OP and the other users really need me to provide my CV on this thread? Absolutely not. But seeing as you think I have a "BS stick up my ass," I decided to provide you with it.

And before you go around swearing at users on here and accusing them of being full of shit, you might want to simply ask first. I would have been happy to explain why I made that comment.

But you know what? You are correct about one thing. I should have clarified the individual as a "non-violent sociopath" instead. The more common "Hollywood " term represents a fraction of the population.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent