AITA for causing someone to have an allergic reaction by feeding them nuts

And there are just some screwy food allergies out there. Always best to check with parents.

My son used to be allergic to oats (thank god he's outgrown it). So anything with oats in it would make him sick as hell. Most people think giving kids granola is a pretty safe option. Nope. Even food that you wouldn't think "oats" like a can of chili often has oat flour in it as a thickening agent. So I had to be vigilant, and my son's allergy wasn't anaphylatic.

That being said... part of being a food allergy parent was making sure everyone who was going to care for my son knew about his allergy. It meant reading every single label. It meant if we went to a potluck, I had to ask about every single dish. The dude in the OP absolutely should have asked if his allergy is that severe.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent