AITA for demanding a refund after they 'substituted' a performer at our local jazz club?

It sounds like you were disappointed and unhappy with the performance and decided to leave early. While it is generally considered rude to walk out during a performance, it is understandable that you were unhappy and wanted to leave. It is also within your rights to request a refund if you feel that you did not receive what you paid for. However, it is important to approach the situation calmly and professionally. Yelling or becoming confrontational with the staff may not have been the best way to handle the situation.
In the future, if you are unhappy with a performance, it might be more appropriate to simply leave quietly and address any concerns or complaints with the venue or performer afterwards. It is also a good idea to carefully research and read reviews before purchasing tickets to a performance, to ensure that you have a better understanding of what to expect.
This guy explains it very well. I wasn't yelling but I did have to insist on my rights.

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