AITA for falling asleep the night my boyfriend had a big assignment due?

100% correct. It’s amazing what a gap there is.

I’m 27 and didn’t have a smart phone until my late teens. My niece is 17 and has had a smartphone since she was maybe 11.

She never learned how to use a computer AT all. She doesn’t know what basic office programs are, or how to navigate windows. All of the homework she has online is via online platforms that are tablet friendly, so even telling her to right-click on a mouse is alien. If her tablet or phone messes up her instinct is to take it to the store, not try and diagnose it herself.

I love her, but she insists she is going to get a temp job (like I did) while she figures out her first year of college. I had to nicely tell her that she has absolutely zero admin skills and needs to start learning HARD now if she’s going to catch up with any of us that grew up in the MySpace/desktop computer era.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent