AITA for going back to bed in the morning after getting up early with our son?

Aren’t all of the AITA posts one sided? Unless someone gets the other person to come and type in their own thoughts and opinions.

I’ll give more detail to the specifics you said though:

She feels like I don’t do as much on those days because she has already slept in and feels behind on her day and doesn’t want to still be cleaning up things at noon (again, reminder that I did do basic things I knew she would want done while I was up, dishes, made breakfast, did a load of laundry, etc.) and that the reason it bothers her only on those days when I ask her to go back to sleep even if I had to get up super early is that once I go back to sleep she can’t do things efficiently because she also has to keep a good eye on our son. When I’m up, even if I don’t know how to help her with the cleaning (for example, when she decides today is the day to scrub the inside or the microwave and wash all of its components, which is kind of a one person task) that I can help her clean by keeping an eye on our son.

At this point I’ve decided that this is a NAH situation but that I’ll just bite the bullet and not ask again to go back to sleep.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent