AITA for how I acted at my "intervention"?

W.h.a.t. OP is an adult who eats taco bell constantly, not a child whose food choices you get to pick. Why would OP have to forgive his parents because he chooes to be an obese adult? There's nothing to forgive, and his family is attempting to show him they care about their kin. Like ya do when you feed your kids healthy food. He states they are very healthy so I'm not sure what you're off about.

My comment was just on you saying you can't control what your 3 year old eats. You literally can because you purchase all the groceries, so if you offer up boxed macaroni, youre actually controlling that choice too. Also you saying that you were around tons of junk food but didn't have it affect your metabolism, I'm saying it affects your Brain and that weight isn't the only issue that comes from childhood junk food.

You're off the deep end here, about 3 conversational turns.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent