AITA for kicking out my daughter because she got pierced?

YTA Why do you care about the piercings being ugly? It’s not like you pick her outfits and make up everyday, and nobody would even see it if she doesn’t consent (unless they’re invading her privacy like your wife did)

If you’re worried about her health, you should first ask if she’s taking care of it properly (which she probably is if there hasn’t been any problems in over a year) then get mad at her for piercing her nipples.

And lastly, there’s nothing rebellious about getting piercings or tattoos, they’re just aesthetic things, you should focus on her school/work problems more, because that’s what really matters. I think a more understandable punishment for doing this without telling you would be making her work to pay for her tattoos/piercings/clothes and whatever else she wants outside necessities.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread