AITA for laughing when my adult daughter said I am "parentifying" her.

YTA, what a nonsense to make a deal out of it. She did not choose children, but you. That she helps in an emergency, like that fall, okay. But otherwise she should not be used for tasks that belong to you as a parent. I think cooking once a week is part of the upbringing and cleaning up your own mess too, but she shouldn't do daily care for the rest of the children.

3.Transfer her sibling to and from school IF it align with your work schedule.

Taak van ouders.

Edit1: She bring them home if she finishes around pick up time max 1-2 a week.

Taak van ouders.

  1. Be part of the bedtime story rotation. All of my kids where very picky about who reads them and every night it had to be someone else.

Taak van ouders.

  1. Babysitting her sibling when she have time or it's necessary. To be clear my son also do this with her sister.

Taak van ouders, tenzij in nood.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread