AITA for lightly scolding a 12-year-old because the birthday gift he gave to my son was broken?

I had something like that happen not with secret santa but with a word/drawing association like telephone type of game.

I went to this group event for the first time and they were playing a game.
They wanted everyone to put a phrase down on paper then was passed around in a circle with one person drawing a picture and then the next guessing what they thought it was then back to photo until it got all the way around.

With the goal to see what happened to the original phrase and such.
The only two things called out specifically and made fun of in a cruel way (not the funny way the game was supposed to be) were my phrase and one of my words I had written to one of the pictures.

Like alright cool I guess Im not going to that group again or playing said game if my interpretations are just gonna be made fun of.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent