AITA for making a complaint against a nursery worker due to how she reacted to my wife picking our kid up?

NAH Im guessing this is in the UK? As a previous nursery worker, it’s in policy that the caregiver of the child must sign a release form. This will include people who can pick up the child and also a “password” that will be used upon pick up, if the key worker does not know who the person is. In this scenario, the key worker should have asked for the manager or deputy manger (nursery’s must have one on the premises at all times) who would have either confirmed the parent and introduced them to the key worker, or confirmed the password.

The key worker should not have been snarky towards the mother, regardless, but pick ups are very stressful when you have a legal duty (safeguard) for children to go home with the correct person. You were angry and made a complaint based on the comment of the worker. However, I hope you realise the key worker cannot let a child go home with a person they do not know, regardless if another parent confirms their identity.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread