AITA for making a “racist” joke?

NTA, like other people are saying, you just pointed out a common trope in film.

On another note, while I do agree that it's funny that this trope is so predictable, the idea behind the trope itself is kind of shitty. The filmmaker's thought process is so transparent that it's laughable - "We need to throw a black guy in there just for some diversity."

And then, of course, they always make the black guy completely uni-dimensional, goofy, and/or non-essential to the plot. It just screams outdated and cringey stereotypes. This isn't just in horror movies, it's like all movies, ads, media in general. It's so sad to see IMO.

This is why I love Jordan Peele's stuff like Get Out and Us. It's refreshing to see black characters as more than just a side piece in film.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread