AITA for not feeling bad for white people when they get called out

YTA for sure. For the many obvious reasons everyone else has already stated, but with one extra caveat.

Being a good person means understanding when something is wrong and working to correct it even when you know that others might not have done it for you. Its about doing whats right by society and doing whats right by the greater good of humanity. Boiling it down to skin color and saying "white people pretty much deserve it imo" is so far past what you should be doing.

It honestly sounds like you're bitter and not over the traumas of your past, which is understandable. We all carry our baggage, but internalizing that baggage and spitting it back out as the same toxicity that went in only works to perpetuate that toxicity back onto others, and into society. Being the one who breaks that cycle is to be the better person.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread