AITA for not wanting to continue pregnancy...

Ew how gross wtf? Except for giving her his heart there is no way for him to make up for this. And since he is a men this hypothetical „he should do this too“ is disgusting since he will NEVER face this issue.

This isnt a missed job opportunity or moving to another country for him. She will go through all the mental and physical pain for basically nothing. Her belly might become loose and marked, her below area might rip, she could develop hemorrhoids, incontinence, post partum depression, DEATH during birth, pregnancy diabetes, lose hair or teeth, might be so traumatized because of complications that she doesnt want to become pregnant again anymore, have complications that prevent her from getting children again and a million other things. Are you 13? Its not „a little more pain“ you cunt.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent