AITA For Not Wanting To Go To Costa Rica with My Father?

OP, i might understand a little bit of what you're going through. My parents once "rewarded" me with a visit to their home country to visit family. I didnt want to go either but i was pressured into it.

Did i enjoy it? No. Did i get to soak in my culture and heritage? Not really. Do i regret not putting my foot down and refusing? Yea, absolutely. It was a waste of time, energy, money and at the end i was emotionally exhausted from the family and my parents.

I went back to the home country a few years later with my friends and it was a completely different experience of adventure, culture and people. Eye opening and wonderfully enjoyable.

You're NTA for not wanting to go to Costa Rica with your father to visit family. Dont be pressured into it. However, I do encourage you to one day visit Costa Rica with friends or solo on your own even if it's further down on your travel list. Im sure there's a lot of history and fun times to discover in Costa Rica.

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