AITA for practicing my drums even though my wife doesnt like it?

YTA Posts 1 day ago about how they are self aware of the fact that they intentionally annoy their wife bc they think it’s hot. You say to stop snooping in your post history but like dude, it was 1 day ago. You’re like a child who doesn’t want their favorite toy taken away. The post people keep mentioning is in fact 100% relevant as it talks about annoying your wife... by doing things like... playing drums at 11PM... Also as someone who knows a couple drummers, they aren’t exactly the quietest unless they’re, like, playing a timpani. One last thing. “My wife is tired a lot more since she’s pregnant.” My dude, if you’re on thin ice because she’s tired, imagine when she’s closer to childbirth. Imagine having a child. I’m sure the baby would love it when their dad plays the drums at 11PM at night. Do you know how amazingly horrible babies sleep schedules are in the first place? I’m sure your wife would love you waking up your sleeping child for reasons other than the childs own needs. Sheesh.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread