AITA for preventing my ex from moving 3 hours away with our kids? It's created huge conflicts in both households now.

YTA. Totally. You took away your ex’s choice and your kids choice to have a happy life and made them lose a father figure because you are a selfish prick who didn’t like the situation. The kids are old enough to decide and even if they were being “bribed” they would have gotten a horse! Of course they were excited and you killed all that. Kids are smart and if things weren’t good they would have requested to come live with you. Instead you will always be remembered as the guy who took everything from them. Trust me, I get your side. But it’s 3 hours not 3 states. And you could have negotiated summers or breaks with them in return. Instead you took away their freedom and broke your ex and kids hearts. I’m not saying it’s right but had someone done that to me, hell hath no fury.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread