AITA for refusing to be legally bound to pay for my kids' college

YTA, I comment this as a child of a parent who also believes that parents shouldn't pay for this child's college education.

I'm Lucky. I went to schools close to home and tried to not get as much debt as possible. I say I'm lucky because at this point I'm only 12k in debt, where as I know others who are up to 100k+ in debt. My father paid for his own college education and believed we should also pay for our own (He can well afford our college as well, he makes more than enough money). Here's the thing though, college is 10x more expensive than it was when he was in college. Its so easy to get up to 50k in debt for a degree that doesn't benefit you unless you have experience or do unpaid internships. The cost of living making that difficult to do, so between needing to work full time 60 hours a week, community service just so you can graduate, getting experience and the actual course work, please explain to me where I'm suppose to get the money just pay for my own college education? Its not the job I work so I can afford my apartment, car, bills, insurance and food. I wish I had parents who could afford to help me further my education. Please take this into consideration.

Now, YNTA, only because I don't think it should be a law binding contract to help your child with college. However, I fully believe you should/want to help your child.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread