AITA for refusing to sell the place I bought with "stripper money"?

NTA. If he would have started with it feeling more like your place than a shared space, maybe you could be open to the idea of eventually selling & finding another place. But, while trying to prepare for a new life, if you plan on keeping the pregnancy, it seems like a lot of unnecessary stress to ask of you on top of everything else. If your place wasn’t safe or spacious enough for a child, that’s one thing, but that doesn’t sound like the case. Plus, the way he approached it with the “stripper money” thing is totally out of line. What would you get from moving with him at this point other than giving things up & a lot of extra work (looking at places, listing your place, packing, unpacking)? I understand wanting to make the relationship work since you are going to have a child, but he needs to seriously learn some healthier way to communicate his feelings to you. You are definitely NTA, imo.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread