AITA for revoking my daughter's college fund

This dude is a major asshole, on so many levels. He gave his daughters college fund to his new partner. He then goes off and tells her she probably won’t be accepted anywhere good or be successful bc she wasn’t “into school” before? Dude, NOBODY gives a shit if you were good at school ages 12-14 for college application. She’s a child, your child, their interests will change, they’re growing, and those things he told her could be major hits to her self esteem and confidence. And then he tried to blackmail her into liking his wife.

Also, side note, who the fuck “enjoys” medschool? He clearly has no idea what that process is like.

Also, his new wife sounds like a ditz. Is she seriously surprised that her new husband’s teenage daughter dislikes her, after the way it all went down? I know the brain doesn’t finish development until the age of 25, but come on, it’s not much of a shocker.

Honestly I’m glad the daughter and the ex wife decided to tell him to fuck off.

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