AITA for snapping at my husband's relative on our wedding?


It is so fucking tacky to take this many pictures at someone else’s wedding. Your photographer should have shut that down ASAP. Regardless of her “permission to take photos. ”

I asked my husband to say sg to her,

This is fine.

but it turned out that earlier she asked his permission to make some photos and he gave it. I think he did not expect her to make 100 photos/s during the ceremony.


Of course he didn’t. You didn’t want this for a reason. A common theme in this subreddit.

and the photographer was just about to shoot, L cut before him to make some photos, and I just could not hold it back and yelled at her, to get out of the way of our professional photographer. She was somewhat sulking after this and did not make more photos.

Why wasn’t he managing this? It never should have gotten this.

I feel crappy, because she had my husband’s permission and I lost control.

She didn’t have your permission to fuck up your photos.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread