AITA for stealing money from my mother to get mental health help?

Yeah I am. I was in law enforcement for years, I scraped kids brains off the walls. Cut down bloated heads from their rope. You know what you see when you remove that rope, usually claw marks around their neck where their last moments were sadness and fear but it was too late to stop them. Have you see what a truck or train does to a person that jumps in front for it? Or foaming from the mouth after consuming drugs or poison. You know how many time I was late, a fucking lot. So many time I said to myself if I was just 5 minutes fast, 2 minutes faster, maybe if I bumped into them on street and said something kind it could have been a lot different.

So you tell me, money or death? I know which one I would pick.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent