AITA for telling my ex-bfs family we did not break up because me, but because he came out as gay?

I understand what you’re saying. I should have been more careful and more aware of how I was wording things. I don’t mean to diminish the experience and process of coming to terms with your sexuality, especially in this case when it seems BF likely wasn’t going to be coming out in a welcoming environment. I just meant I don’t think it’s fair when people automatically side with someone in situations like this for the sole reason of them being gay and closeted. Not at all saying she was justified in outing him. Not at all saying that. Truthfully I was probably thinking of some more extreme examples of similar AITA situations that I’ve seen on here where someone was being legitimately deceitful in a relationship. So, yeah. It wasn’t fair of me to be comparing this situation to situations like that. Clearly that’s not what this is. I still don’t think people she get an automatic pass though.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread