AITA for telling my date I was gonna go to the bathroom but I actually left?

NAH, at least not yet. It is better to trust your gut and be paranoid than to ignore warning signals and regret it. This saves lives. Always trust your subconscous to see what you aren't noticing. It is better to be paranoid than to be dead. If things don't seem right, always bail.

But what makes me waver on AH status is what you do now and how he responds. You know now that the guy was legit and trying to spoil you rotten that night. If you ghost him, then you become the AH. If he refuses to be understanding after you explain why you ditched him, then HE is the AH. You should be mature enough to explain and apologize. he should be mature enough to be gracious and accept the apology. Then, NAH.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread