AITA for telling my boyfriend his family might not respect the value of his time but when we get married, I will not let them run MY life and schedule in the same way?

NTA but hear me out- consider taking a look at how you are viewing this. Is it possible his family is just including him because they know he dates someone that lives out of town and they don’t want him to feel left out? Maybe your frustration is misplaced and should be directed more at him for not turning them down when they ask if he wants to join? If they are demanding rudely he attend everything then that is a different situation but ultimately it is still up to your boyfriend to set healthy boundaries. While it is great you vocalized your frustration, try to approach it calmly with him and see if you can get him to work on setting boundaries with his family that allow him to spend time with everyone. If things don’t improve then consider this is what you’d marry and it won’t be something that changes. If you can’t live with it then don’t.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread