AITA for telling my boyfriend he can’t go on his friend’s bachelor trip?

Usually save the dates go out 10-12 months in advance so he for sure knew when his GF’s wedding was before he knew when the bachelor party would be.

She probably could have told him in a better way they had a wedding that same weekend, but if he agreed to go as his GF said he did with her, he should be responsible enough to remember when it is or at least double check with her when his friends were planning the bachelor.

Bachelor parties get scheduled 4-6 months in advance and rarely is there ever a bachelor party where the date is set without group input. Every one I’ve gone to, we were given 3-4 options to vote for. This probably could have been avoided with better communication from him.

Having had my own wedding last year, planning my own bachelor party with my friends, and gone on a handful of bachelor parties the last two years, this is 100% on the boyfriend. Relationships require communication and sometimes sacrifices, and when one person messes up, the other shouldn’t be punished because of it.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent