AITA for telling people to stop referring to me as “sis, girl, queen” just because i’m gay?

Leaving towards YTA (probably not an asshole but definitely unjustified) I’m gay but fairly masculine so I don’t really use these words. However, 99% of the people that do use them use them on everyone (whether male, female, gay or straight) they’re not using them to call you female they’re just using them cuz they’re fun/funny to some people. Yeah maybe one person said that you were intolerant for not wanting to be called that but I don’t think that’s what most people would say. I would just say you’re being a buzzkill because they’re using the words for fun not to call you a specific gender and you’re getting offended over nothing. Comparing this to calling a trans person by the wrong pronouns is ridiculous because they’re not comparable. I just don’t understand why it annoys you so much?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread